About me

Hi, I'm Charis and I'm 16 years old. I've been born and raised in the U.K and have been home-schooled by my wonderful parents. I have 5 sisters ages 23-6 and I enjoy every aspect of being a girl! I also have 8 brothers ages 27-3 and I enjoy every aspect of being their sister.

My interest are...
Cooking and Baking
Photography/Film making/Acting
Beauty, Hairstyling, Makeup and Nail Art
Bible Reading
Getting to know JESUS more
Horse Riding
Fishing and Boating
Spending time with my brothers and sisters
Listening to and composing music, singing, playing piano and guitar
Swing Dancing, Line dancing, Country dancing and more!
Writing stories and blogs
And I'm looking forward to having a family of my own one day...


Unknown said...

Definietly a fascinating girl ;) Will be looking forward to reading your blog and hearing what you think about such stuff. Also beautiful photo, you look lovely. Can't believe its been so long since I last saw you and your lovely family. God Bless, Love, Jasmine xx

~ www.jasminecerysruby.wordpress.co.uk ~

Unknown said...

Hi Jasmine!
Thanks for the comment, you are sweet! :) Hope you enjoy reading through my posts.
Love, Charis xxx