Tuesday, 14 October 2014

5 minutes with a Fascinating Girl - Ashley Baxter

Age: almost 17

1. Have you read Helen Andelin's book "The Fascinating Girl"? What were your first impressions?
No, I haven't read this particular book, but I wouldn't mind looking into it myself.

2. Are you more of a 'princessy' type girl or a 'Tom-Boy'?
I myself am more of a tomboy leaning as I have three other brothers and am the oldest. Plus I enjoy boys games a lot more then I do girls. Even as a little girl I have always hated dolls!

3. What advice would you give girls who are not very girly but are trying to be?
Umm, well, I think I would encourage them not to look at all the other girls around them and copy them, because after all every girl is unique. But I think things like wearing boyish clothes or only hanging around boys should probably be avoided.

4. What advice would you give a girl who is too girly?
Well, I guess I would say that, though there's nothing wrong with being girly (because of course we're girls) they can't take it to the extreme and not want to do anything that might be a little yucky or not want to get themselves dirty or do any household jobs. Look at Proverbs 31!

5. What have you done to become more feminine? 
Um, I have started giving my jeans a break. Not saying that its wrong to wear jeans, but I do have a leaning to wear only jeans. I have also started experimenting with my hair a bit and adding pretty little accessories!

6. What are your favourite and least favourite things about being a girl?
I enjoy the fact that when it comes to courtship and marriage, the guy is doing the asking! I also like to bake and cook. I don't so much enjoy the idea of not being allowed to join in 'because I'm a girl' or people automatically assume I'm not strong enough to do something. 

7. What are your views on girls wearing makeup, earrings and trousers, etc.? 
Personally, I have no problem at all with any of these things, I just think that it's a persons motives that matter most. Some girls 'dress to impress' and I think that is totally wrong.

8. Define 'Modesty'...
Oh, yikes, that's tough! Um, I think dressing modestly is when you are drawing attention to your character and not your body. Modesty can be a hard thing to define as so many people have different viewpoints, but I think short shorts, crop tops, tight clothing and anything that would make people double look, boy or girl, is not modest. Really it is your motive that counts the most, I think.

9. What do you think to wearing head coverings?
Well... I think that it is right to, but I don't think it is necessary to wear them all the time. I think if you are going to church or a prayer meeting it would be a good idea to wear one. I have no idea what it should look like though! I think God looks at the heart. 

10. Would you rather," just get married" or have a big wedding? What's more important to you?
I think really I would rather just get married, as that is the most important thing as celebrities who have massive weddings only usually stay married a few months or so. I do like the idea of having a pretty dress, though! 

11. When do you think the role of a helpmeet begins?
I believe it starts as soon as you get married and not a second sooner or later. Because we are not supposed to give our emotions away to anyone but the guy we are married to, we can't be a helpmeet and not give away our emotions.

12. What would you like to do when you're older?
Well, I guess very honestly I would love to own a ranch breeding horses and dogs and be a good mother and wife. I have also been very interested in being a missionary but I don't know where to go or what to do! I'll just follow God!

13. Who has been a role model for you? (in a book, movie, real life?)
Oh, wow, um, I guess the ladies and girls who have stood for God. Such as Corrie ten Boom, Gladys Aylward, Jackie Pullinger and other such people. Girls and ladies mainly who have stood up for God. But certain men, such as Eric Liddel, and other male missionaries.

14. What top 5 things do you think should be on any girls priority list?
Yikes, um, where do I begin? Err... I think that a girl should first want to follow God and do whatever He wants her to do. Then I think she should work on being a Godly women according to Scripture. But otherwise, I don't really know!

15. What are your opinions on Courtships, Engagements, Betrothals etc? What would you like?
My opinions? I'm not too sure what to put! Erm, I think courtship and any such premarital relationships should be hands-off as emotions shouldn't be too built up before marriage. Plus, boys can respond to touch more then a girl might realize and so touching should be saved till marriage. But otherwise I'm not too sure what else to put!!
Um, I think I would like to have a courtship in time, but I haven't thought much beyond it! I of course would like to get engaged and married! :)

16. What do you think most girls do but should avoid?
I definitely think there's a problem with girls giving away their emotions and being too free with touch. Girls should never give away their emotions to guy until they are married. It kind of cheapens love and if you give them away too soon it can make you do things which wouldn't be appropriate.

17. What things have really impacted your life? Experiences, lessons you've learned, anything!
Wow, I don't really know! Umm... I guess when I went to America, it really boosted my confidence and umm.. meeting you guys and taking us to Scotland! Confidence is something I really struggle with!

18. What are your views on the purity balls, purity rings, Daddy/daughter dates etc.?
I don't exactly know what any of those things are... but I do think there is a time for a dad and his daughter to be able to talk and things but after a certain age the girl's love shouldn't change for her dad but she should change how she exhibits it. Such as no sitting on dad's lap anymore. Also the dad has to acknowledge that his little girl isn't so little anymore and not hold onto her too much or he will find it hard to let go.

19. When did you get saved?
I only fairly recently became a Christian, last year September actually. So I guess I'm a relative babe in Christ! 

20. How many are in your family? Would you like to have a big family one day?
I have six in my family, mum, dad and my three brothers and myself. Well, I guess it would be nice to have a large family, but honestly I just want God's will. I know for some people it is His will for them to have a lot of children but that's not His will for everyone. I just think I shouldn't necessarily have preferences but just make sure I have myself surrendered to God and obey Him.

21. What has it been like to not only be the oldest but being the only girl in your family for a while?
Well, I do quite like being the only girl. I get new clothes, my own room, and get to rub along with my brothers. They also stop me from getting to 'girly'! Though I do wish I could have an older brother but I don't think that's really going to happen anytime soon!

22. Have you thought about children even choosing names for them before you thought about your husband?
Um, no not really. I have thought of perhaps a few names, but I'm a girl who always had her head in the clouds so doesn't really think too far ahead into the future!  I take each step at a time! Plus, what if you're settled on the names you want for your kids and then your husband decides he doesn't like any of them?! Awkward!!

23. Name a few of your favourite Bible verses and passages...
Okay, well I like Ephesians 3:20, Romans 8:28,39,and 31.I also like Isaiah 35:1 (Because it says something about a rose, and that's my middle name!!) and Proverbs 31 and 1 Corinthians 13 just to name a few Scriptures and passages! 

Thank you Ashley, for answering these for me! I really appreciate it, again a lovely set of answers. :)
Looking forward to seeing you again soon. 

If you would like to share your views/opinions, lessons you've learned, stories and experiences feel free! You are welcome to send in your answers to these questions and join the fascinating girls around the world. Send in your answers and a photo of yourself and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

God Bless,
Charis Shepherd

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